Are you one of the many Texas property owners who have not paid their property taxes? If so, you may have already received one or more late tax notices, and possibly letters from a delinquent tax lawyer demanding payment of the amount you owe. If you're dealing with this situation, you understand the stress of a tax lien looming over your head, as well as the possibility of losing your property. Did you know that you can solve this problem by financing property taxes?
Tax Loans to Finance Property Taxes
Property owners across the state are discovering that they can borrow the amount they need to pay off their past due property taxes, and they're getting approved for loans to lift that weight off their shoulders. The application and approval process isn't complicated, especially in comparison to a traditional bank loan. Applying for a bank loan always involves a credit check, and any problems on your credit history typically mean a flat-out denial. When you apply for a property tax loan, your past credit problems are not a problem.
The requirements for a property tax loan approval are fairly simple. If you aren't in bankruptcy and your property is reasonably well maintained you can qualify for a loan that will cover current taxes plus any past due amounts – this includes late payment penalties, accrued interest and even any legal or collection fees that have been added to your tax account balance. With a property tax loan, you can finance the property taxes you owe on residential, commercial, investment properties or even vacant land. If you own more than one property and you have not been able to keep ahead of the taxes, it may be possible to have just one loan approved that will cover the outstanding tax balances on all of your properties.
Getting behind on property taxes can happen through no fault of your own, and it often does, especially in today's economy. Ignoring the warning letters won't help though – the problem won't just go away on its own -- interest and penalties will keep accumulating, and the risk of property foreclosure increases with each passing day. Financing property taxes gives you the opportunity to wipe get current with the tax collector, have an affordable monthly payment, and it lets you protect what matters -- your home and family.
To learn more about financing your property taxes contact Property Tax Funding at 877-776-7391. You can also apply directly on our website at The process is quick, easy, and affordable. Don’t delay, call today.